Is Acrobatics Dance and Gymnastics the Same Thing

Is Acrobatics Dance and Gymnastics the Same Thing?

Have you ever wondered if Acrobatics (Acro Dance) and Gymnastics are the same thing? The answer is no – although both sports include a lot of acrobatic maneuvers, they are two different disciplines that serve unique purposes.Acrobatics, also known as Acro Dance, is a type of performance art that combines elements of dance, tumbling, and gymnastics with various stunts. It is characterized by its spectacular and daring stunts, often including intricate partner work and throws. Acrobatics performances are often seen in shows such as Cirque du Soleil and feature a combination of showmanship and athleticism. 

Gymnastics, on the other hand, is a sport that requires athletes to perform a wide variety of skills on a variety of apparatuses. Gymnasts must demonstrate strength, flexibility, and a high degree of skill and control on each apparatus. Gymnastics can be performed individually or in teams, and is divided into four main disciplines: artistic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, trampoline, and tumbling.

Although both sports require a great deal of physical skill and control, there are several fundamental differences between Acrobatics and Gymnastics.

The Core Differences

One of the most obvious differences between Acrobatics and Gymnastics is the focus of the two disciplines. Acrobatics is primarily focused on showmanship, while Gymnastics is focused on perfecting skills on various apparatuses. 

Acrobatics is a type of performance art, and thus relies heavily on creative choreography and showmanship. Acrobats perform stunts that are often quite daring and spectacular, often involving complex partner work and throws. Gymnastics, on the other hand, relies more on each athlete’s skill, strength, and control. Gymnasts must perfect specific skills on each apparatus, and must demonstrate strength and control while performing them. 

Difference in Performances


Another difference between Acrobatics and Gymnastics lies in the structure of their performances. Acrobatics performances typically involve routines that are choreographed and performed in front of an audience. Gymnastics performances, however, often involve athletes competing against each other on various apparatuses, with judges scoring their performances.

Safety Measures

Safety is also a major factor that sets Acrobatics and Gymnastics apart. Acrobatics performances often involve stunts that can be quite dangerous, and thus require a high level of safety training and safety measures. Gymnastics, on the other hand, is typically a much safer sport, as the apparatuses used have been designed to be as safe as possible for the athletes performing on them. 


Acrobatics and Gymnastics also differ in terms of their competitive nature. Acrobatics is often seen as a performance art, and thus competitive elements are not as important as the showmanship. Gymnastics, however, is a highly competitive sport, with athletes competing to be the best in their field. 

Props Used

The props used in Acrobatics and Gymnastics performances also differ. Acrobatics often involves the use of props such as hoops, silks, and aerial straps. Gymnastics, on the other hand, typically does not involve the use of props and focuses more on the athlete’s skills and control. 

Skills Required

The skills required to excel in both Acrobatics and Gymnastics are quite different. Acrobatics performances typically require dancers to have a high degree of flexibility, balance, and control, as well as showmanship. Gymnasts, on the other hand, must possess a wide range of skills on each apparatus, as well as strength and control. 

How Does the History of Gymnastics Relate to the Development of Acrobatics Dance?

The history of gymnastics has greatly influenced the development of acrobatics dance. Many acrobatic dance moves are derived from gymnastics, with the two disciplines sharing similar techniques and skills. The history of gymnastics has provided a strong foundation for the evolution of acrobatics dance, creating a seamless connection between the two art forms.

Training and Equipment


The training and equipment used for Acrobatics and Gymnastics also differ. Acrobatics requires dancers to have a strong training regimen that focuses on flexibility, balance, and control, as well as showmanship. Gymnasts must also have a strong training regimen, but they also require specialized equipment such as bars, beams, and mats. 


As you can see, Acrobatics and Gymnastics are two distinct disciplines that serve unique purposes. While both sports involve acrobatic maneuvers and require physical skill and control, there are several fundamental differences between the two. Acrobatics is focused on showmanship, while Gymnastics is focused on perfecting skills on various apparatuses. Acrobatics performances involve props and choreography, while Gymnastics performances involve athletes competing against each other and being judged. Finally, Acrobatics requires dancers to have a strong training regimen that focuses on flexibility, balance, and control, as well as showmanship. Gymnasts also have a strong training regimen, but they also require specialized equipment such as bars, beams, and mats. 


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